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My presentation today on Python Web Frameworks is in some ways the final form of investigation into IoT and the Raspberry Pi.
My interest in the subject was initially sparked by the presentation Deid gave back in 2016 on how to turn a light bulb on and off using a relay being driven by a Raspberry Pi.
This amazing display ended up leading me to my first presentation on the subject back in October 2016. Building on my previous IoT presentation I thought that I would follow up with two additional project which were in a similar vein.
These project both relate to IoT but focus more around the subject of streaming data rather than poling a sensor for a value.
Raspberry Pi-based IP camera I built this device as the result of finding the existing market of IP cameras to be lacklustre at best. The more options which provided the feature I was looking for were too expensive, and the ones in a more reasonable price range had terrible image quality and next to no feature. The topic of this presentation will be focused on exploring the world of the “Internet of Things”.
Background But before we can begin to explore the topic we need to understand what the Internet of Things is really about. While definitions for the term and the subject area vary depending on who you talk to, I think the Internet of Things can be summarised as: “a proposed development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data”, or “the infrastructure of the information society”, or “creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit”. Consumers are using the internet for an ever-increasing range of activities. This has meant that home internet data usage has also increased at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, most home internet connections these days are limited by usage caps. The customers are given a basic allotment of data usage, with any usage over that amount subject to additional charges at exorbitant “overage fee” rates. So while these plans my not technically be capped, the practical usage of them means that customers are limited to the original usage allotment of their plan. Moving to BC came with a number of cultural adjustments compared to living in Ontario. One of these differences is the way that drivers are able to pay for gasoline at a filling station. In Ontario, along with most other provinces, drivers have a wide range of options when it comes to how they want to pay for gasoline. Unfortunately, in BC, since February 2008, drivers have been limited to pre-paying for gas either at the pump or inside the store.