Tag: email rss


16 February 2016 / / Transportation
As the advancement of technology continues companies must constantly upgrade their infrastructure to stay relevant in the increasingly competitive world market. With the boarding pass playing such a vital role in allowing a passenger to complete their journey it is paramount that the e-boarding pass be a simple and seamless as it would be with a paper version. With this simple yet important requirement for the e-boarding pass it’s amazing to see that Air Canada has created such an unusable product that manages to fail on numerous levels.
16 June 2013 / / Technology
It has recently come to light in mainstream media that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been tracking emails, instant messages, other forms of internet communication, and most controversially, keeping track of American’s phone calls. The funny thing is that this news has come as a surprise to many people who thought that communication over the internet is safe. This is a stark contrast to what you would get if you talked to any tech savvy person (especially conspiracy theorists) in the past 10 or 15 years who could have easily told you this was going on.